This set of cards features athletes from a variety of sports, including football, boxing, golf, cycling etc. The vast majority of the cards are of footballers.
The cards feature caricatures of the players as the image on the front and on the back there is a bio of the player. The set features a total of 162 cards, all of which have been photographed and documented below.

Card Gallery
Complete set has been imaged and provided by ferchu22 from the Vintage Soccer Cards Discord Server. Massive thank you!
1. Pele (Santos FC)
2. Spencer (Peñarol)
3. Goncalves (Peñarol)
4. Rogelio Dominguez (Nacional)
5. Omar Sivori (Napoli)
6. Luis Suarez (Inter)
7. Bene (Hungria)
8. Yashin (CCCR)
9. Bobby Charlton (England)
10. Eusebio (Portugal)
11. Franz Beckenbauer (Germany)
12. Adolfo Pedernera (Legend)
13. Jose Manuel Moreno (Legend)
14. El "Chueco" Garcia (Legend)
15. Mario Boye (Legend)
16. Alfredo Distefano (Legend)
17. Antonio Sastre (Legend)
18. Arsenio Erico (Legend)
19. Jose Marante (Legend)
20. Herminio Masantonio (Legend)
21. Rene Pontoni (Legend)
22. Antonio Roma (Boca Juniors)
23. Ruben Magdalena (Boca Juniors)
24. Silvio Marzolini (Boca Juniors)
25. Carmelo Simeone (Boca Juniors)
26. Antonio Rattin (Boca Juniors)
27. Silveira (Boca Juniors)
28. Pianetti (Boca Juniors)
29. Alberto Gonzalez (Boca Juniors)
30. Alfredo Rojas (Boca Juniors)
31. Angel Rojas (Boca Juniors)
32. Romero (Boca Juniors)
33. Menendez (Boca Juniors)
34. Zarich (Boca Juniors)
35. Nicolau & Suñe (Boca Juniors)
36. Amadeo Carrizo (River Plate)
37. Hugo Gatti (River Plate)
38. Juan Carlos Guzman (River Plate)
39. Abel Vieytes (River Plate)
40. Roberto Matosas (River Plate)
41. Roberto Zywicka (River Plate)
42. Luis Cubillas (River Plate)
43. Sarnari (River Plate)
44. Juan Carlos Lallana (River Plate)
45. Ermindo Onega (River Plate)
46. Oscar Mas (River Plate)
47. Daniel Onega (River Plate)
48. Jorge Solari (River Plate)
49. Mario Cejas (Racing Club)
50. Luis Carrizo (Racing Club)
51. Roberto Perfumo (Racing Club)
52. Ruben Diaz (Racing Club)
53. Martin (Racing Club)
54. Miguel Mori (Racing Club)
55. Alfio Basile (Racing Club)
56. Jaime Martinoli (Racing Club)
57. Juan Carlos Rulli (Racing Club)
58. El "Chango" Cardenas (Racing Club)
59. Juan Jose Rodriguez (Racing Club)
60. Humberto Maschio (Racing Club)
61. Raffo (Racing Club)
62. Joao Cardozo (Racing Club)
63. Miguel Angel Santoro (Independiente)
64. Idalino Monges (Independiente)
65. Ricardo Pavoni (Independiente)
66. Roberto Ferreiro (Independiente)
67. Jose Pastoriza (Independiente)
68. David Acevedo (Independiente)
69. Raul Bernao (Independiente)
70. Armando Savoy (Independiente)
71. Luis Artime (Independiente)
72. Roberto Dieguez (Independiente)
73. Anibal Tarabini (Independiente)
74. Vicente de la Mata (Independiente)
75. Buticce (San Lorenzo)
76. Roberto Telch (San Lorenzo)
77. Rafael Albrecht (San Lorenzo)
78. Alberto Rendo (San Lorenzo)
79. Rodolfo Fischer (San Lorenzo)
80. Rodolfo Veira (San Lorenzo)
81. Miguel Angel Tojo (San Lorenzo)
82. Rolando Irusta (Huracan)
83. Miguel Loayza (Huracan)
84. Sebastian Viberti (Huracan)
85. Juan Carone (Velez Sarsfield)
86. Daniel Willington (Velez Sarsfield)
87. Marin (Velez Sarsfield)
88. Aguirre (Newells)
89. Roque Avallay (Newells)
90. Andrada (Rosario Central)
91. Belli (Rosario Central)
92. Nicolas Cocco (Union de Santa Fe)
93. Orlando Ruiz (Union de Santa Fe)
94. Sanita (Colon de Santa Fe)
95. Cardozo (Colon de Santa Fe)
96. Juan Echecopar (Estudiantes)
97. Bilardo & Conigliaro (Estudiantes)
98. Antonio Rosl (Gimnasia y Esgrima)
99. Pardo (Gimnasia y Esgrima)
100. Andres Bertolotti (Quilmes)
101. Miguel Basilico (Quilmes)
102. Juan Hurt (Platense)
103. Mansueto & Miranda (Platense)
104. Ramos Delgado (Banfield)
105. Maidana (Banfield)
106. Salomone & Puntorero (Atlanta)
107. Olmedo & (Chacarita)
108. Sosa & (Argentinos Juniors)
109. (Deportivo Español)
110. Lonardi (Ferro Carril Oeste)
111. Acosta & Silva (Lanus)
112. Palito Ortega (TV)
113. Tato Bores (TV)
114. Biondi (TV)
115. Jose Marrone (TV)
116. Juan Verdaguer (TV)
117. Juan Carlos Mareco (TV)
118. Pipo Mancera (TV)
119. Carlos Bala (TV)
120. Cacho Fontana (TV)
121. Emilio Ariño (TV)
122. Luis Sandrini (TV)
123. Delfor (TV)
124. Dringue Farias (TV)
125. Antonio Carrizo (TV)
126. Pinky (TV)
127. Brizuela Mendez (TV)
128. Juan manuel Bordeu (Automovilismo)
129. Hermanos Emiliozzi (Automovilismo)
130. Juan Galvez (Automovilismo)
131. Juan Manuel Fangio (Automovilismo)
132. Eduardo Casa (Automovilismo)
133. Carlos Menditegui (Automovilismo)
134. Carlos Pairetti (Automovilismo)
135. Rienzi (Automovilismo)
136. Jorge Cupeiro (Automovilismo)
137. Oscar cabalen (Automovilismo)
138. Jean Perre Beltoise (Automovilismo)
139. Nasif Estefano (Automovilismo)
140. Eduardo Copello (Automovilismo)
141. Jorge Ternengo (Automovilismo)
142. Hector Gradassi (Automovilismo)
143. Jose Maria Gatica (Box - Boxing)
144. Pascual Perez (Box - Boxing)
145. Acavallo (Box - Boxing)
146. Oscar Bonavena (Box - Boxing)
147. Ramon de la Cruz (Box - Boxing)
148. Carlos Cañete (Box - Boxing)
149. Cassius Clay (Box - Boxing)
150. Nicolino Locche (Box - Boxing)
151. Juan Carlos Harriot (Polo)
152. Alberto Heguy (Polo)
153. Roberto De Vicenzo (Golf)
154. Nicolau (Natacion)
155. Baylon (Tenis)
156. Oscar Panno (Ajedrez)
157. Miguel Najdorf (Ajedrez)
158. Carlos Moratorio (Hipismo)
159. Aitor Otaño (Rugby)
160. Gerhmann (Basquet)
161. Sandor (Basquet)
162. Delmo Delmastro (Ciclismo)