The 1935 Album Campeones Sudamericano y Artistas del Cine features the players of the Uruguayan Football Association that led their nation to South American Championship success (Copa America). There are 19 stickers dedicated to the team.
The title also suggests that beyond this section, the album contains spots for global and domestic acting superstars.
Scan of the 1935 Album Campeones Sudamericano y Artistas del Cine
1 J. Nasazzi
2. E. Ballestreros
3. A. Muniz
4. E. Zunino
5. L. Fernandez
6. M. Perez
7. A Ciocca
8. H. Castro
9. E. Fernandez
10. A. Taboada
11. B. Castro
12. A. U. de F. Profesional
13. L. Denis
14. H. Machiavello
15. M. Olivera
16. M. Andreolo
17. J. Anselmo
18. J. Piriz
19. C. Maeberli