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1949 Ediciones Deportivos Salas - Album de Futbol 1949 Segundo Campeonato Norteamericano



This album was produced in Mexico for the 1949 North American championship between Cuba, Mexico, and the United States. This tournament is one of the earliest versions of the current day Gold Cup.


Scan of the 1949 Ediciones Deportivos Salas - Album de Futbol 1949 Segundo Campeonato Norteamericano







Arbitros (Referees)

Prudencio Garcia (EEUU)

Gabriel Nieto (Mexico)

Jose Tapia (Cuba)

Estados Unidos (USA)

Walter A. Bahr

Benjamin L. Watman

Frank Borghi

Manuel Martin

Frank Wallace

John Haynes

Peter Matevich

John A. Souza

William Sheppel

Charles M. Colombo

Harry Keough

Joseph M. Silovsky

Bernard J.M. Laoughlin

Nicholas Di Orio

Antone Almeida

William Bello


Rafael Garza Gutierrez

Carlos Laviada Garcia

Jorge Romo Flores

Raul Cordoba Alcala Jose Antonio Roca Garcia

Felipe Zetter Zetter

Melesio Osnaya

Alfonse Montemayor Crespo

Gregorio Gomez Alvarez

Hector Ortiz Benitez

Mario Ochoa Gil Raul Varela Rivera

Samuel Cuburu Cano

Niño Flores

Luis Luna Barragan

Horacio Casarin Garcilaso

Luis de la Fuente de Hoyos

Carlos Septien Gonzalez

Francisco Hernandez Pineda

Jose Naranjo Rivera

Mario Perez Plasencia

Luis Vasquez Franco

Enrique Sesma Ponce de Leon


Marcelino Minsal

Jacinto Barquin

Pedro Pablo Arozameni

Bernardo Llerandi

Santiago Veiga

Manuel Brioso

Jose Gomez

Ricardo Torres

Jose Minsal

Francisco Torrent

Rolando Aguilar

Jose Ovibe

Vicente Perez

Miguel Clerch

Armando Granados

Orlando Cosculluela


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