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1926 Piccardo & Cia - Cigarillos "Plus Ultra" (Serie C)



These cards were included in packages of Plus Extra cigarettes in Argentina. This set was printed and distributed in 1926 and was done in different series. Series C was for football which will be covered in this post.

This set features a stunning design and photography. The iconic cards in this set are the Luis Monti and Raimundo Orsi rookies. This can be considered one of the premiere sets in pre-war football and relative to Dolar cards, is significantly rarer.

There is minimal information on this set. If you known of any other cards please comment below. There are some cards that have now been graded by PSA and SGC shown below along with the person who owns or provided the scans.


Proof of Date

The date of this set can be proven through the years that certain players were at certain clubs.

Pedro de Sarrasqueta, played at Estudiantil Porteno in 1926 but then in 1927 was signed for San Lorenzo. In this set he is featured at Estudiantil Porteno.

(Roster of Estudiantil Porteno)

Julio Libonatti, played for Newell's Old Boys (N.O.B) during the start of the 1926 season and at the end of the year, Libonatti would sign for Torino in the Serie A. (Libonatti's Career Info)


Graded Card Gallery



84. Boca Juniors Antes Del Desembarco

94. Tesorieri En El Desembarco

103. Raimundo Orsi (Independiente) - @Mantiquet

116. Americo Tesorieri (Boca Juniors) - @elrey_collection

139. Team Rosarino

145. Copa Alevar CampeĆ³n 1925

158. Scarpone (G. y E. de la Plata) - @elrey_collection

172. Luis Monti (San Lorenzo) - @Mantiquet

173. Enrique Monti (San Lorenzo) - @elrey_collection

174. Carricaberry (San Lorenzo)

178. Zumelzu (Racing) - @Mantiquet

179. Natalio Perinetti (Racing) - @Mantiquet

184. Pedro Ochoa (Racing) - @Mantiquet

198. Argentinos vs BrasileƱos "Los BrasileƱos Saludan"

200. Argentinos vs BrasileƱos "Los BrasileƱos Saludan al Publico"

224. Luis Monti (San Lorenzo) - @spacedust1234

275. Partido Entre PorteƱos y Rosarinos

1 Partido entre Sportsman y Huracan - Atajando un penal

2 Belgrano - Cordoba

5 C.A. Talleres - 1a Division - Cordoba

8 Team Urquiza

14 Team Uruguayo - Partido Entre Argentinos y Uruguayos

15 Instituto Atletico - 1a Division - Cordoba

22 Arquero de la Assoc. Bancaria de Montevideo

23 Frente de la Valla de San Lorenzo

27 Team San Fernando

29 Desarollo del Juego

39 Independiente

41 El Arquero de la Assoc. Bancaria de Montevideo

47 Porvenir - 1a Division

65 Julio Libonatt (N.O.B.)

67 N.O.B versus Atrantil Sportman

68 Nuin y Octavio Diaz (N.O.B. y Rosario Central)

78 Balcarce - A. Argentina

81 Club Jorge Newberry

84 Roberto Cochrane - Back de Tiro Federal

85 Capitanes de Arg. de Banfield y Temperley - Asociacion Argentina de Futbol

101 Perez (Independiente)

102 Canavery (Independiente)

105 Isusi (Independiente)

106 Ferro (Independiente)

109 Barreto (Progresista)

110 Perez (Progresista)

120 Partido entre Empleados Nacionales v. Provinciales

122 Racing

123 Platense v. Velez Sarsfield

124 Empleados Nacionales

125 Team Platense

127 Copa Alvbar - Team Santiago del Estero

128 Team Rosarino

134 Team de Banfield

136 Football Team de San Andres - Liga Inglesa

137 Combinado Rosarino

138 Team Universitario

147 Campeonato Argentinos - Tucamanos y Santafesinos

148 Lagarto

149 Russinho

150 Nascimento

151 Tuffy

154 Cairo (Club Atletico Argentino de Quilmes)

157 Saccarello (Lanus)

158 Scarpone (G y E de la Plata)

160 R. Felices (G y E de la Plata)

163 Curell (G y E de la Plata)

164 Presta (Lanus)

165 PatiƱo (Lanus)

168 F. Lucarelli (Sportivo Buenos Aires)

169 Adolfo Celli (Newl's Boys Rosario)

170 Bearzotti (Newl's Boys Rosario)

176 Zumelzu (Racing)

177 Tassara (Racing)

181 Rey (Racing)

182 Castagnola (Racing)

187 Osilio (River Plate)

188 Sarrasqueta (Estudiantil Porteno)

190 Duarte (Platense)

191 Mazzini (Platense)

192 Gracco (Platense)

196 San Lorenzo de Almagro - Campeon de la AsociaciĆ³n Amateurs de Football

199 Los Capitanes Argentino y BrasileƱo SaludƔndose

204 Team San Lorenzo de Almagro

211 A. Boigues (Estudiantil Porteno)

216 Humberto Recanatini (Almagro)

218 Guillermo Stabile (HuracƔn)

223 Pedro Isusi (Independiente)

229 Partido entre San Lorenzo y V. Sarsfield

230 Partido entre Almagro y San Lorenzo

235 Americo Tesorieri (Boca Juniors)

236 Partido entre San Lorenzo y V. Sarsfield

237 Juan Pratto

238 Raimundo Orsi (Independiente)

240 Team Sportivo Palermo

241 Team San Isidro

243 Partido entre Atlanta y San Lorenzo

245 Team River Plate

248 Team Gimnasio y Esgrima de la Plata

251 Team Almagro

253 Team Lanus

254 Team Combinado Porteno

258 Team Excursionistas

260 Team Banfield

261 Partido entre River Plate y HuracƔn

262 Partido entre Atlanta y San Lorenzo

269 Partido entre Independiente y Gimnasia y Esgrima de la Plata

271 Partido entre HuracƔn y San Lorenzo

274 Partido entre San Lorenzo y Atlanta

275 Partido entre PĆ³rtenos y Rosarinos

281 Partido entre Huracan y San Lorenzo

282 Partido entre San Lorenzo y Atlanta

283 Partido entre River Plate y Huracan

285 Partido entre River Plate y Huracan


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