This set by Litogtafia Baño features a total of 13 cards which include players and team photos. The cards feature a golden border around an image. The focus of the set are Catalan clubs, Catalan players, and images of domestic match ups.
All card information is found on the back of the card where there can be found a description and card number. The backs of the card also feature the advertisement for the Chocolates Gullen.
These cards were obtained by collectors through purchasing Chocolates and finding them in the wrappers.

1 Paulino Alcántara
2 José Samitier 3 Cros 4 Bruguera 5 Julia 6 Partido Barcelona & Real Unión
7 Barcelona & Real Unión 8 Barcelona & Terrassa 9 Barcelona & Terrassa 10 Sparta de Praga & Barcelona
11 Sevilla & Europa 12 Europa & Celta de Vigo 13 Esteban Pelao