This set has 47 cards that are broken down into two Series (25 in Serie A, 22 in Serie B).The card is designed like a post card and features a small portrait shot of the player on the top left and a large action shot of the player on the right.
Serie A covers the champion and runner-up of the Campeonato de Catalunya for the 1921-22 season (F.C. Barcelona and C.D. Europa).
Serie B features the Spanish Champion A and B (Bilbao and Martinec)
The card itself measures 10.4 x 6.7 cm and are numbered and identified on the back of the card. The back of the card also features different types of advertisements from different companies. Below are the back variations
1 Debray Cafés 2 Chocolates Sultana y Americano
3 Chocolates Jorge Belli, Mallorca
Serie A (F.C. Barcelona)
1 Jack Greenwell 2 Ricardo Zamora 3 Salvador MartÃnez Surroca
4 José Planas
5 Ramón Torralba
6 AgustÃn Sancho
7 José Samitier
8 Vicente Piera
9 Vicente MartÃnez
10 Clemente Gracia
11 Paulino Alcántara
12 Emilio Sagi-Barba
13 Francisco Viñals
14 Ramón Bruguera
Serie A (C.D. Europa)
15 Juan Bordoy 16 Pedro Serra 17 Melchor Balaciar
18 Javier Bonet 19 Esteban Pelaó 20 Francisco Artisus
21 Juan Pellicer 22 Enrique Alegre 23 Juan Olivella 24 Manuel Cros 25 Antonio Alcázar
Serie B (Martinenc)
1 Federico Palleja 2 Francisco Trallero 3 Jaime Costa 4 Antonio Comorera
5 Julio Monfort 6 Manuel Bessas 7 Enrique Vilar 8 José Landazábal 9 Mariano Albadalejo
10 JoaquÃn Barrachina
11 Romualdo RodrÃguez
Serie B (Athletic Club de Bilbao)
12 Manuel Vidal 13 Alberto Duñaveitia (error, es Duñabeitia) 14 Domingo Gómez-Acedo 15 Sabino Bilbao 16 Jesús Larraza 17 José D. Legarreta 18 Germán EchevarrÃa 19 Félix Sesúmaga 20 Manuel López (Travieso) 21 Carmelo Goyenechea 22 Marcelino Aguirrezabala