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1923 Reclamos Graficas Manen - Jugadores Campeones

This set features 22 cards with each card representing one of the players from C.D. Europa and Atletich (Athletic Bilbao). The card name and number is displayed on the front along with an artwork of the player. The back of the card features the rules of the game of football along with room for an advertisement to be placed on the bottom.

There are two versions of the set with one having a white border and the other having a red border. Another interesting thing to note is that the images in this set are the same as the ones from the 1923-24 Reclamos Graficas Manen - Campeonato de España

There are multiple variations on the back of the card due to the different advertisements. The variations are listed below

1 Fábrica de calzado Isidro Niñerola de Valencia 2 Bazar Arca de Noé Vélez (Málaga) 3 Tableta Okal


C.D. Europa

1 Artisus

2 Alcázar

3 Vidal 4 Pelaó 5 Pellicer 6 Cros 7 Serra 8 Xavier 9 Juliá 10 Alegre 11 Bordoy


12 Larraza 13 Travieso 14 Legarreta 15 Germán 16 Acedo 17 Duñaveitia

18 Aguirrezabala

19 Carmelo 20 Sabino

21 Sesúmaga

22 Vidal


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